anya kaats a millennial's guide to saving the world

Reclaiming the mythology of a generation.

I created this project because I was tired of being stereotyped as lazy, triggered and entitled. I wanted to give voice to a different kind of millennial and invite us  to write a new story – one of a generation willing to challenge the status quo, embrace nuance and paradox, and reject PC-culture. This podcast isn’t about finding answers, it’s about asking the right questions. How can we reinvent ourselves and the narratives we’ve been expected to inherit? How can we take ownership over the ways we participate in our own suffering? How can we move beyond victimization and into empowerment? How can we fix ourselves to fix the world? It’s time for new dreams, new stories and new futures… 

Available wherever you listen to podcasts.

Anya Kaats podcast

#141 The Final Episode (A Conversation with Chris Ryan)

After an incredibly meaningful and successful five years, I’ve decided to end the podcast. Thank you for all of your support, time, and trust. I’m off to begin a new chapter, and I’ll hope you’ll continue to follow along. To stay in touch,
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Ian MacKenzie podcast

#140 Catalyzing Wider Organisms of Belonging with Ian MacKenzie

Ian MacKenzie is a new paradigm artist who’s been tracking the global emergence of imaginal culture for the past 15 years. From the desert of Burning Man to the heart of Occupy Wall St, Ian has amplified the voices of visionaries, artists and
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Peter May e3 ecologic Crestone

#139 A Holistic and Intuitive Approach to Life and Ecology with Peter May

Peter May is an alchemist, a Grammy award-winning musician, a tree whisperer, a firefighter (and firemaker), an athlete, an architect, and an all around fascinating human being. Peter and I discuss how his love of ecology first developed as a kid living outside
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jones farms organics orisons art San Luis Valley potato Sarah Jones

#138 Taking Advantage of Everything That Makes Life Worth Living with Sarah Jones

Sarah Jones and her husband Michael are fourth generation potato farmers in Hooper, CO. Their farm, Jones Farms Organics, is paving the way in the San Luis Valley (the nation’s second largest fresh potato growing region in the U.S.) for regenerative and sustainable
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kelly moody podcast critical ethnobotany

#137 Critical Ethnobotany and Reimagining Our Role in Ecology with Kelly Moody

Kelly Moody is a critical ethnobotanist, philosopher, teacher, writer, and podcast host. After growing up in rural southern Virginia on her grandmother’s tobacco farm, Kelly’s interest in plants and ecology never left her. She received a B.A. in Philosophy and Religious Studies, and
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Jules Evans podcast psychedelics

#136 Critical Spirituality, Ecstatic Literacy & Psychedelic Harm Reduction with Jules Evans

Jules Evans is a philosopher, journalist, and author, whose work centers around the interplay between rational and ecstatic states of consciousness. Currently, Jules is leading the Challenging Psychedelic Experiences Project – researching psychedelic harm reduction, ethics, and integration. Jules and I speak about
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